Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Turkey and Blessings

Tommorrow there will be quite a bit of turkey and sides on family tables. We each have our favorites and long standing family recipes that make the table complete. Although most of us love to eat and definitely need no excuse to overdue it, there is a lot more to be thankful for this year and every year to come. The first thing that comes to mind is health. All of us tend to take our well being for granted and what a mistake that can be because good health is not a given and can change very quickly. Next is our safety, freedom and the ability to live anywhere in America we choose. Like most Americans, I have friends who are active duty and family who have been miles away from home for the holiday. To those who have lost loved ones we should say a prayer for you for the sacrifices your family member has made for all citzens. I attended a church service recently and the pastor said something that touched my heart. I want to ask a question. What was the third type of car you owned? Kind of a strange question huh? Some will remeber but I was stumped for a few seconds. If I asked you who came to your family reunioun five years ago I am somewhat positive you could remeber that easier. The pastor said today we are all caught up with things. The more we have the more we want.For me that ideal really hits home. I would much rather see my great grandmothere's face and hear her laugh again than to have her favorite teddy bear. In the end make the most of everyday with family and no need to only express those feelings of love only on a holiday. Count those blessings and cherish those memories for one day that will be what gets you through life.

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