Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mirror Image

What comes to mind when thinking about the phrase mirror image? Looking in a mirror and seeing an image? Not quite but I have learned there are some people born that are  considered to have mirror imaged organs. This is a unique concept that I just recently learned about. Someone who has mirror imaged organs has organs on the opposite side of their normal place. Such as everyone's heart is on the left but in people this effects their heart is on the right. 

At the same time I learned about this unique condition I was reading a book called Mirror Image written by Danielle Steele. This book is a fantastic example of a unique concept. It is a heartbreaking story of 2 identical twins. The setting is during the Titanic era in upstate New York. This family is affluent and highly regarded by the community. This novel follows the same pattern of other Steele works. Some character or characters die in the book.  The mother of the 2 beautiful twins dies during the birth of her girls. The father is left to raise them and never truly recovers. There is a woman who has run the house since before the birth of the twins and she helps the father raise the kids. She is the only one who can tell the girls apart.

Even though they were look alikes, they had different personalities. As the saying goes like night and day. Olivia Henderson was the quiet meek  one while her sister Victoria was the outrageous and vivacious one.  Victoria was jealous of her perfect  sister Olivia. She felt like Olivia was the favorite of everyone. She always played by the rules. Victoria felt like Olivia had more of her father's love and acceptance. She could do no wrong.

Victoria does one wild thing after another but Olivia always came to the rescue.  Victoria has an affair with a prominent man and her father finds out. In order to save the family name and Victoria's virtue. he arranges for Victoria to marry his attorney Charles Dawson. Olivia is deeply hurt by the marriage but keeps her true feelings inside and tells her sister to please try and make this work. She tries to convince Victoria it is what is best for her and Charles will give her a good life.

Victoria has other plans and finally plays on Olivia's feelings and makes her agree to switch. The switch will allow her to gain perspective and it will only be for a couple of months. Against Olivia's better judgement she writes letters to everyone saying she needs time to herself because she cant handle Victoria's marriage to her true love.

Victoria is free and goes off to follow her beliefs of women's suffrage and gets involved in the war in France as a nurse. She was excited and happy because she finally had what she longed for but in conclusion be careful what you wish for. She got her wish and so much more!!

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