Thursday, August 12, 2010

Writing Woes

Looking for a part time writing job or even a book reviewer position is as much of a challenge as finding a traditional job. Of course all the book reviewing positions want a sample of previous reviews. Why cant having a love to read books and write be a enough? Or maybe a probationary period of allowing you to review a book to see if a reviewers writing skills match the style your looking for.

I have become a member of and also of Associated Content and zoomley. I have submitted two articles on Assoicated Content to be reviewed before being posted but nothing yet. As my post said yesterday I think I would like to start a magazine for new writers. A place for new writers to get there feet wet and write about what interest them no matter the genre But being a new writer myself and no experience with the publishing world that goal may have to wait a while. Along with my short story edits I spoke about yesterday I am currently reading a book called Mirror Image by Danielle Steel- It is shaping up to be a good book. Maybe after reading it I will review it on my site.

Happy Reading & Writing

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