Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Writer In Me

I am taking a writing a course called Breaking Into Print. It is offered through a Connecticut university. I have grown so much as a writer. I received my edits for assignment 6 and I will post the story shortly after I make the changes. I have learned the writing market is much more competitive than I originally assumed. I  became a member of some Internet writing sites only to delete my account because either the site pays very little like per word which is fine but they have word limits or they say you can write about anything and then after joining they have topic requirements. One of the sites that fits all of what I have mentioned even says if you use contractions in your article it will be rejected.  Three rejections results in never being able to write for the site. I am trudging on because there has to be a site that better fits my personality. My goal one day is to write for a magazine or I have thought maybe write a magazine for first time writers..... just a few thoughts for now.

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