Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Turkey and Blessings

Tommorrow there will be quite a bit of turkey and sides on family tables. We each have our favorites and long standing family recipes that make the table complete. Although most of us love to eat and definitely need no excuse to overdue it, there is a lot more to be thankful for this year and every year to come. The first thing that comes to mind is health. All of us tend to take our well being for granted and what a mistake that can be because good health is not a given and can change very quickly. Next is our safety, freedom and the ability to live anywhere in America we choose. Like most Americans, I have friends who are active duty and family who have been miles away from home for the holiday. To those who have lost loved ones we should say a prayer for you for the sacrifices your family member has made for all citzens. I attended a church service recently and the pastor said something that touched my heart. I want to ask a question. What was the third type of car you owned? Kind of a strange question huh? Some will remeber but I was stumped for a few seconds. If I asked you who came to your family reunioun five years ago I am somewhat positive you could remeber that easier. The pastor said today we are all caught up with things. The more we have the more we want.For me that ideal really hits home. I would much rather see my great grandmothere's face and hear her laugh again than to have her favorite teddy bear. In the end make the most of everyday with family and no need to only express those feelings of love only on a holiday. Count those blessings and cherish those memories for one day that will be what gets you through life.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


As I was leaving the gym yesterday, someone left me with a thought I have not been able to put out of my mind. It was Columbus Day and I began to think about who Christopher Columbus might have been. In school all kids learn Columbus discovered America in 1492. Is that really a true statement? What about the map maker Martin Waldseemueller. Some credit him with naming America. There is another player in this story. Amerigo Vespucci who came to America in 1497. I have read many opinions and it seems hard to make a definitive choice. Columbus supposedly set sail for 3 reasons Gold, slave labor and Christianity.It is suspected some of the people he captured in1494 were take to Queen Isabella and used as slaves in Seville.

Columbus was born in 1451 in the port of Genoa. His father was a wool merchant and his mother was a wollens merchant. He had 3 younger brothers. He traveled the seas as a Pirate attacking ships belonging to the Moors. When he died he thought he was in the Indies not America.

I n recent years Columbus' character has been tarnished from his involvement with the Europeans and their in start of destructing Native American people and its cultures. 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mirror Image

What comes to mind when thinking about the phrase mirror image? Looking in a mirror and seeing an image? Not quite but I have learned there are some people born that are  considered to have mirror imaged organs. This is a unique concept that I just recently learned about. Someone who has mirror imaged organs has organs on the opposite side of their normal place. Such as everyone's heart is on the left but in people this effects their heart is on the right. 

At the same time I learned about this unique condition I was reading a book called Mirror Image written by Danielle Steele. This book is a fantastic example of a unique concept. It is a heartbreaking story of 2 identical twins. The setting is during the Titanic era in upstate New York. This family is affluent and highly regarded by the community. This novel follows the same pattern of other Steele works. Some character or characters die in the book.  The mother of the 2 beautiful twins dies during the birth of her girls. The father is left to raise them and never truly recovers. There is a woman who has run the house since before the birth of the twins and she helps the father raise the kids. She is the only one who can tell the girls apart.

Even though they were look alikes, they had different personalities. As the saying goes like night and day. Olivia Henderson was the quiet meek  one while her sister Victoria was the outrageous and vivacious one.  Victoria was jealous of her perfect  sister Olivia. She felt like Olivia was the favorite of everyone. She always played by the rules. Victoria felt like Olivia had more of her father's love and acceptance. She could do no wrong.

Victoria does one wild thing after another but Olivia always came to the rescue.  Victoria has an affair with a prominent man and her father finds out. In order to save the family name and Victoria's virtue. he arranges for Victoria to marry his attorney Charles Dawson. Olivia is deeply hurt by the marriage but keeps her true feelings inside and tells her sister to please try and make this work. She tries to convince Victoria it is what is best for her and Charles will give her a good life.

Victoria has other plans and finally plays on Olivia's feelings and makes her agree to switch. The switch will allow her to gain perspective and it will only be for a couple of months. Against Olivia's better judgement she writes letters to everyone saying she needs time to herself because she cant handle Victoria's marriage to her true love.

Victoria is free and goes off to follow her beliefs of women's suffrage and gets involved in the war in France as a nurse. She was excited and happy because she finally had what she longed for but in conclusion be careful what you wish for. She got her wish and so much more!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Story Continues.......

Here is the rest of the story from yesterday's post. It has been a work of labor but with a little advice I may be adding to it and changing it. A writer's craft is never complete.

She spent the rest of her afternoon going over the contracts, looking for proof that Jacob was not doing this. He called once he landed and she convinced him to order take out and she would be over at his place within the hour. He agreed and said they would discuss his news. He sounded so happy. As if he was a balloon about to burst and leak his news everywhere.

On the drive over she was nauseated. How would she approach the subject? Would she let him tell his news first and have a small slice of happiness before things got uncomfortable between them? Once she told him, there would be no going back and things would definitely be a challenge.

When he opened the door, she saw he had candles, wine and flowers. He knew what she liked. He ordered her favorite Chinese and said they would discuss the news after dinner. Throughout dinner she tried to carry on conversation but she sensed he knew something was wrong.

They sat on the couch and he turned her around and put her feet in his lap and started to massage them. He said,” You seem preoccupied and you were quiet, is something on your mind?”

She looked at him and tried not to show her concern and smiled. She said quietly, “No I am just excited to hear your news, so out with it, tell me.”

“Okay, here it is, you will be promoted to VP of the marketing department.”

Unbelievable, she had dreamed of this opportunity for a long time and now it was within her reach. If she told Jacob what she knew and he became fearful that Delaney would tell management what she suspected she might lose her new position. Did she want to risk it? Could she let this slide? To finally be on top of her game, with an opportunity like this that most people in her situation never received.

Even though she hated to change the mood, with a new promotion on the horizon she had to tell him what she knew. She told Jacob she had found the checks made out to him from various companies and showed him the proof.

“Please explain this Jacob I want to understand”

He was quiet and his brow was furrowed but no sound was coming from his lips.

“Was this a mistake? You have worked here for years and I saw several checks dating back just until a year after you started.”

As she expected he was immediately telling her how much damage this could do for him and others. He begged her to let all of this go. If she brought all of this to the attention of the President, she would never see her promotion. He promised her ability would be questioned again. If he lost his job she wouldn’t have anyone to protect her, so she had as much to lose as he did.

The conversation ended with her feeling threatened. He promised to quit his illegal activity if she gave her word she would not share what she knew with anyone in the company. They could both still have their jobs and she could achieve her goals.

But could she live with her choice knowing it wasn’t right? And would he really pull away from the extra money? She knew she had to tell the President, even if she was risking her job and her relationship with him because she had to live with her conscience not him.

She left his house and she told him she needed time to think and she knew it meant possible disaster for them both. No matter what she decided, the outcome would affect at least one of them.

Delaney was unable to sleep. She loved him and she had worked so hard to be recognized for her abilities and to be treated as a normal employee. She wondered if the President would thank her for pointing it out. Would he make Jacob resign or maybe just make him return the money to the clients?

It was amazing that Jacob would threaten her like this, knowing that she would be left with no other choice because she had always been honest to fault. If she took the position without saying anything no one would know about Jacob’s indiscretion except her and she couldn’t live with that. If she kept quiet and another employee found out Jacob would possible take her down with him. She knew she never would be able to fully trust Jacob. After finally dozing off to sleep, in her mind she knew what she had to do.

Delaney arrived at the office early the next morning hoping to talk to the President before Jacob arrived or many employees came in for the day. She didn’t want to be the queen of the office gossip or politics. Being disabled was enough to circulate in the rumor mill. She took the chance the President would be in and when she reached his office, his light was on and his assistant wasn’t there. She stood in his doorway and lightly knocked. Her demeanor was timid even though she tried not to show it.

“Mr. Douglas, do you have a moment to speak with me?” she said sheepishly.

“Sure Delaney, come in and have seat.” he said with a curious tone.

She thought it was now or never. “Mr. Douglas, something disturbing has come to my attention and I feel it necessary to make you aware of it.”” If this information became public this could do irreversible damage to the company.” she started

“Go on Delaney’ he said quizzically. He looked tuned into her face and thoughts.

She just needed to spit it out but she knew in heart once she started telling him she could never go back.

She told him what she found in Jacob’s office and why she had been in there without Jacob present. She knew it would be hard to believe just on her word so she had copied a lot of the checks and emails to offer as proof.

Mr. Douglas was shocked. He had never heard of these companies or even seen the finished copies of the agreements as was procedure. Delaney explained she was afraid to come forward at first. She worked hard to obtain the new position but she thought due to her disability and the way she was treated in the past, she would not be believed.

“Well, Delaney I am shocked to say the least but I am grateful you came forward. If this had continued the whole company would have been at risk.” “Someone would have caught it eventually and in the wrong hands this would have been a bad outcome.”

“Thank you sir, but there is one other thing you must know because I don’t want this to be used against me as Jacob’s defense.”

“At the risk of thinking, what else is there, please go on,” said Mr. Douglas.

“I may lose my promotion or even my job but Jacob and I have been intimate for the last 6 months and I apologize,” she said shyly.

Mr. Douglas’s tone changed and he took his glasses off and laid them down on his desk, “Delaney you are right it is against policy to fraternize with your superior.”

“I know and I am deeply sorry.” she said as her lip started to quiver. She was almost breaking down but she was fighting the strong urge because it didn’t seem to be professional to cry. As her father once told her you made the bed and now you have no other choice but to lie in it.

Mr. Douglas sat there not really sure how to handle this one. His finger was up to his lips like he was really contemplating this drama that would definitely play out bad. He was having a difficult time believing the situation. He had handpicked Jacob because he saw his potential to go far in the company. Jacob had been afraid of making a mistake or doing anything that would have been viewed as wrong.

“ I am going to call a meeting and confront him with the findings later today and please do not mention it to him because I don’t want him to have time to come up with possible reasons of how to explain this away.” , he said.

Delaney left his office feeling a wide range of different emotions. She felt a huge amount of relief for having told what she knew. She would never be a good criminal or poker player. If anyone saw her face they would know she was bluffing or there was more to the story. She also felt fear because she knew Jacob would feel betrayed. Although they trusted each other all she would hope for was that he found a way to understand she had more to lose than he did. He had his education and friends in high places. She had an education too but had to prove her ability and give no one a reason to see her disability as an inability.

Mr. Douglas told her the meeting would take place in his office about 3pm. He said he would let her know the outcome of the meeting and if he decided to take any disciplinary action against her for her involvement with Jacob. At this point all she could hope for was to keep her job. She could see losing her new position as a punishment but she hoped with all she had done she wouldn’t lose her job. She couldn’t imagine having to look for a job in this economy. The disability made it enough of a challenge alone.

The day seemed to creep by and she did a good job of being occupied not only with her thoughts but her duties as well. Jacob had called and asked her go to lunch but she let the call go to voice mail. He said he would call her later and he would be tied up in meetings for the rest of the day.

When she left at 4pm, she had not heard from Jacob or Mr. Douglas and she left through the back entrance to keep from having to go by Mr. Douglas’s office. She would know the outcome soon enough.

She went home and curled up on her couch with a stiff drink and turned on her TV to distract her thoughts but it wasn’t helping much. She had done what was morally right but all she kept asking herself was what had she done? She called her grandmother because her grandmother had a way of making her see the positive side of things and feel better. After talking to her, Delaney followed her advice and tried to sleep and she didn’t remember the last time she turned over and looked at the clock. She knew she had lost her friendship with Jacob because he always called to say goodnight and he didn’t call.

In the morning, she took extra care not to be late and she had a message on her voicemail from Mr. Douglas asking that she meet him in his office at 9 am. She noticed that Jacob’s door to his office had been closed since she came in. Was he avoiding her or had he not come in yet?

She walked slowly to Mr. Douglas’s office knowing she had made the right decision. She had a conscience and it was the only thing to do in this situation even if it cost her the promotion.

In the meeting, Delaney found out she was keeping her job and that Jacob had agreed to resign effective immediately. He offered to resign once he was confronted with the copies of the checks and said the only thing he asked was for her to be able to keep her job. He said the relationship was his idea and he pressured her to get involved. She left his office still with mixed emotions. Even as Jacob was losing his job because of his actions, he could have taken Delaney down with him. In situations like this the reaction most people have is to bring everyone down around them.

The rest of the day went by so slowly and all she wanted was for it to end. Some of her fellow colleagues were going out to a club after work and invited her to come and even though she always went she made an excuse that family was visiting. She needed down time to regroup and start fresh. Once she arrived home she changed her clothes and decided she wasn’t going to cook that meant Chinese food and no dishes. She changed into what she called house clothes and ordered her dinner. While she waited for the delivery, she curled up in the corner of the couch and began channel surfing to see what movie she could watch with dinner. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. It was too early for the food. She walked to the door and look through the peep hole and she saw Jacob. She had never expected to see him again. She hesitated before opening the door and she could feel the wave of nausea coming over her and her palms starting to get clammy. She knew this would be either a short conversation or a screaming crying fight.

She opened the door and stood very still. She tried to get the words into sounds but nothing came to her lips.

“Delaney, can I come in?” he said softly.

She moved aside and stood there. Why was he here and what was left to say? She knew he would be angry because he was now unemployed.

She offered him a drink and he declined. He said he had thought a lot about what happened and although he was now jobless he understood why she chose not to stand by him and went to see Mr. Douglas. He said that maybe this was a gift in disguise not only for him but for her as well.

“I know you have heard the saying when one door closes another one opens. It means there are bigger and better things out there for both of us.” Nothing but good things to come.

He would provide references or help her further her career any time in the future.

He was actually calm and saying things she thought he would never say. She heard him say he didn’t blame her for not going along with it and putting her job in jeopardy. He stood up and reached in his pocket and put the copy of the key she had given him on the coffee table.

“My wife and I are trying to salvage our marriage and I agreed to go to counseling.” he said after turning around and facing the door.

Delaney could not speak. What she had just experienced wasn’t what she expected at all. All of the things he said were going to be her responses if his comments and attitude had been accusatory or condescending about what she had done to him and his career.

He stood up to walk to the door and then turned back around and came back to stand in front of her and raised his hand to brush against her face. He reached over and let his lips lightly brush hers and walked towards the door. Delaney was shocked and following along quietly. Before she knew it the door was closed and he was gone.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fiction Friday

I finished my edits that I mentioned earlier in the week. The story is 8 pages so I will post the story in separate pieces. I am going to be revising it to get the word count down because there are some good writing contest I would like to enter it in to and the word requirement for some of them is 4000 words. I am proud of this one. It has been  a labor of love and the main character is a disabled person. There are not a lot of disabled main characters out there in authors stories. I am on a mission to change that. Hope you enjoy!! I welcome readers feedback.

A Question of Morals

Obstacles or struggles are a normal part of life. The most important part of the challenge is how you deal with it. For Delaney Carlson, struggles were constant, or so it seemed. How she handled any struggle wasn’t to back down but to meet it head on and prove she could conquer it. This situation would be no different. She strongly believed a challenge that doesn’t break you will only make you stronger and build your character.

Delaney was small in stature with blonde hair and brown eyes. She was always concerned about her appearance and what others thought about her. Even though her parents told her repeatedly not to worry about what others thought, she did. She thought of herself as a normal person in every way. She put her pants on one leg at a time like everyone else. Other people didn’t think she was capable of simple things and was certainly not capable of being vice president of the marketing department. A lot of people didn’t think she was the right person to be put in charge because she was disabled.

She was born in a small town name Kosciusko, Mississippi and although her parents did the best they could to bring her into the world safely, that isn’t how it turned out. She was born prematurely and suffered from oxygen deprivation. That’s how her struggles began. The milestones made while she attended school were achieved with her parents pushing for their child to be treated fairly and given access to the same things other children had access to. Now she was an adult and needed to handle her battles herself to show that she was capable of doing anything.

After college she started trying to find a job. In most all of the jobs she applied for, she would be called in for a first interview because she had the skills and education but once the perspective employers saw she was on crutches they never even called her back for a second interview. She had determination and never gave up and it finally paid off. She accepted a job with Compton Insurance Services. She started out as a switchboard operator and slowly worked her way up the ladder to become a marketing representative. She did not achieve these goals without a little help from Jacob Holmes, the vice president.

Jacob Holmes was Delaney’s mentor. He taught her all about the company and he had always given her the opportunity to show her talents. He saw her disability as only part of her ability. They grew from a boss and an employee to friends with slightly more. The slightly more has made them closer to each other but the risk was very high for both of them if anyone found out.

As a marketing representative, she had the opportunity to show just how much she had learned and retained about the company. Her co-workers were beginning to sit up and take notice. They asked her questions and continued to increase her responsibilities. She had recently been sent on a business trip to give a presentation and help land the company’s biggest account. Easton Logistics was a premier transportation and logistics provider who had a large fleet of carriers that traveled nationally. The company was under new management and was seeking a more cost effective insurance plan.

Delaney thought if Jacob was serious about landing this account, she would be able to help him achieve his goals and it would prove to management just how capable she was and what a big asset she was to the company. She didn’t get very much sleep the night before the big presentation. She rehearsed it over and over to make sure there were no mistakes.

The next morning she woke up a little early to go over it one last time. She knew she was probably overreacting but it must be flawless. A lot was riding on this for her. It was a chance for her co-workers to take her seriously and she wouldn’t let Jacob down. Once she arrived at work, she stopped by Jacob’s office and told him she was headed to the conference room before the meeting.

“Do you want to sit in and listen and critique the presentation before the big moment?” she said while grinning from ear to ear like a girl who had just got her first car from her parents.

“No, I want to be just as surprised as the Easton clients are when you knock it out of the park.”

Jacob saw she had a little case of the nerves and he had helped her build her confidence up over the last few months, she was ready for this.

After having rehearsed and paced the carpet it was finally show time. If she played her cards right they would be signing the contracts with Jacob before they left the building. No pressure she said to herself as they were coming into the conference room dressed impeccably just as she imagined.

Jacob introduced everyone and said a few words and turned it over to Delaney. He sat next to her chair and watched her presentation unfold. When she began, they were all a little shocked to see the crutches and he knew some of them were very shocked and skeptical about how this would play out. At one point during the presentation, he smiled and snickered softly because he remembered what Delaney had said about how she could tell if people were uncomfortable because they never had experiences with a disabled person. They act as though I have a disease and if I touch them or breathe on them, they would catch it.

Jacob saw Delaney as a beautiful woman who needed and wanted to be loved. He didn’t realize the crutches. He had fun with her and they could talk about anything together, even if they had opposing opinions about a topic. He had strong feelings for her and hoped she felt the same. She finished the presentation and she did an outstanding job. She used Easton’s logo on all of the materials and had copies of the different types of coverage and their cost for each member. He also noticed she had not used any notes.

Once she finished he took a few questions about riders and premium increases and the owner of Eastman, Carol Wright said “Jacob, I think we have seen what Compton can do for us and how much money we can save.”

Jacob smiled and said “Do we have a deal?”

She stood up and reached over the table and said ‘Yes, we do and I never like to close one without a handshake just as my father did with all of his business dealings.”

They left the conference room after signing all of the papers and Compton Insurance had a brand new client that would take the firm higher than it had been before.

They both decided they deserved a little pampering that night after the big sell so they met at their favorite restaurant Gino’s for dinner and drinks. Delaney was proud of herself. She began to be more confident in her abilities. Jacob told her many times throughout the rest of the day what a fantastic job she did and this would increase revenue and open new doors for her.

She told Jacob that this should show the President what valuable asset he was to the company and she thanked him again for all he had made possible for her. Without him she would still be a switchboard operator.

After the new client, things quickly returned to normal. She spent long days and evenings working on other marketing campaigns to generate new ideals for their brand and its products. This job allowed her to be creative.

She had not seen much of Jacob lately. They had talked on the phone but he was out of the office often traveling to the other branches and attending insurance seminars about upcoming changes in the law. Although she missed him she understood but wondered what kind of toll this was taking on him physically. It was never fun living out of a suitcase without the comforts of home.

One morning to her surprise Jacob left her a voicemail and she was glad to hear he would be home in just three days. She missed his call last night because she was on the phone with her mother and that was always a long conversation. He said he had big news but it had to wait until he returned. The reason for his call was he had left a contract in his office that he needed for an afternoon meeting and wanted her to fax it to him. His secretary was on vacation so he left instructions on where he thought it was or at least hoped it would be. He said he was sure she could find it.

What was the big news? That was all she thought about at first and because her mind was clouded, she had to replay his message.

She walked into to his office and as she glanced around she saw it was not neat and tidy and wondered if his home was just as messy. She started looking through a stack of files on his desk and didn’t see the contract but buried under one of the stacks, she found a folder that was labeled miscellaneous. She opened it thinking what she was searching for would be inside because the deal was incomplete. Inside s found nothing but checks made out to Jacob and not the company.

What did this mean?

She knew she was just from the marketing department but something didn’t seem right. Weren’t all the checks collected from clients made out to the company not the officers? This must be a mistake and Jacob didn’t catch it or he could explain it. She didn’t see a client file for this company and she knew there was always a client file for new clients no matter what type of coverage was taken out.

Delaney kept running possible scenarios through her mind as she continued to look for the contract. She finally found the contract but she also found other checks made out to Jacob stashed in other places. In the memo section of every check it said premium payment. Was Jacob taking extra cuts from clients? There was no way he would do this. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Her phone was ringing but before she realized it, it stopped.

It was Jacob and she didn’t want to have this conversation over the phone. She called him back struggling to sound natural.

He answered, “Hey sweetheart, did you find it?” “As soon as you fax it over I can leave and be home early and we can meet for dinner.” Are you ready for the big news?”

She was taking a deep breath before she answered, I did find it and I am faxing it now.” “It will be good to see you.”

He was playful. He said “Just good? I am ready for some good food and a little cuddle time.”

“Me too”, she said.

That’s all she could bring herself to say. She was still in shock and had no idea how to approach this but she couldn’t keep this to herself. She had to let him know she was aware. What if he got caught? Or what if the President already knew and was waiting for the right moment. She couldn’t allow herself to be implicated too. She had worked to hard for her position.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Writing Woes

Looking for a part time writing job or even a book reviewer position is as much of a challenge as finding a traditional job. Of course all the book reviewing positions want a sample of previous reviews. Why cant having a love to read books and write be a enough? Or maybe a probationary period of allowing you to review a book to see if a reviewers writing skills match the style your looking for.

I have become a member of and also of Associated Content and zoomley. I have submitted two articles on Assoicated Content to be reviewed before being posted but nothing yet. As my post said yesterday I think I would like to start a magazine for new writers. A place for new writers to get there feet wet and write about what interest them no matter the genre But being a new writer myself and no experience with the publishing world that goal may have to wait a while. Along with my short story edits I spoke about yesterday I am currently reading a book called Mirror Image by Danielle Steel- It is shaping up to be a good book. Maybe after reading it I will review it on my site.

Happy Reading & Writing

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Writer In Me

I am taking a writing a course called Breaking Into Print. It is offered through a Connecticut university. I have grown so much as a writer. I received my edits for assignment 6 and I will post the story shortly after I make the changes. I have learned the writing market is much more competitive than I originally assumed. I  became a member of some Internet writing sites only to delete my account because either the site pays very little like per word which is fine but they have word limits or they say you can write about anything and then after joining they have topic requirements. One of the sites that fits all of what I have mentioned even says if you use contractions in your article it will be rejected.  Three rejections results in never being able to write for the site. I am trudging on because there has to be a site that better fits my personality. My goal one day is to write for a magazine or I have thought maybe write a magazine for first time writers..... just a few thoughts for now.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Salsa Dancing

Salsa dancing known as the dance of passion began in the 60’s and is a mixture of jazz and Cuban rhythm. This type of dancing doesn’t have one single origin nor is it easily defined although the Cubans are credited with its beginning. It is the mixture of many cultures and dances. Salsa was termed by New York to mean a variety of types of music from several different countries.

The dance is normally performed with a partner but has been done with one dancer. The basic Salsa step involves 3 weight changes in each 4 beat measure. The only differences in the styles are changes in direction and timing of the basic break step. Salsa movements are from left to right with pauses. During the pauses there is a flourish like a stomp or a kick.

This type of dancing is popular in the US and Latin America and is becoming popular in Europe. Many clubs have salsa dancing and many towns offer salsa dancing classes.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

History Lesson

  • The City of Koscuisko was originally named Redbud Springs for 3 springs located in the town
  • The name was changed to Koscuisko by William Dodd                                                           
  • William Dodd was an ancestor of the general pictured above Thaddeus Koscuizko                    
  • Thaddeus was a Polish general who was in George Washington's army during the Revolution      


Attala County
  • Koscuisko, Ethel and Zama located inside this county                                                          
  • The County was originally property of the Choctaw nation until the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit
  • The County was established in 1833                                                                                   
  • The Courthouse burned on 3 separate occasions and the older records burned                  
  • A novel Atala was written and the author was a guest of George Washington                       
  • Back in 1882 it was known as Davis Old Field and was purchased by a 2 men                     
  • One of those men built a residence and a steam mill on his portion and made improvements   
  •  Nothing else existed in the area until the railroad in 1833 Illinois Central                                 
  • The town began in 1912 and was covered with virgin timber                                                     
  • The houses were built from logs and there were no mills in the area                                            
  • Zama was named by Mr. Franklin after his daughter and the town thriving                                    
I found these facts interesting about my hometown and where my parents grew up. Although I made good grades in history in high school it was never my favorite subject.  I guess when it is part of who you are and where you were born, it takes on a different meaning 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Easy Road vs Hard Road

Why does everything seem so difficult?

A statement I have heard and used many times myself. If you are like me, there are roadblocks to everything in life and as the saying goes if it is to easy it isn't worth having. Struggles build character and also determination but when faced with a challenge that isn't something you want to hear.

Why can't it be a possibility to enjoy just a short period of good. It would make it easier to enjoy the challenges. How much strife is one person expected to shoulder? Some people experience  nothing but hard times.

So in the end keep looking for life's bright spots and never give up finding them because they can be found. Once the dust settles there will be a diamond in the ruff

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Y!

I made it back for a second post. The purpose of this blog is to write about positive things  and things that may help people. Like sharing information on topics, telling a story or just sharing ideals.

Today was all about the YMCA. What a fantastic organization!  First thing this morning I heard the news story about YMCA possibly changing the abbreviation to just The Y to most likely try and change the brand and generate more knowledge among communities. People have for a long time referred to it as "theY" and now the organization will and try to capitalize on it. I was looking for a way to put more activity in my life to increase my flexibility and strength. Growing up I took physical therapy (PT) 3 times a week while in school but as an adult I had to have a prescription. Insurance only covers PT on a rehab basis and not ongoing (which is wrong but that's a another blog post). Knowing that a gym membership would be costly because I would need a personal trainer due to not being able to use the machines, I started searching for something that would help me accomplish my goals. I was frustrated at first because there are not a lot of programs out there for the physically challenged but then I found the Y!

The Y is just like a gym but it offers more services for a much lower cost. The hours are great! They have a pool, basketball court and tennis court. They offer all kinds of classes for all fitness levels. Even one for the physically challenged called Silver Sneakers. I am trying it soon.

The trainer showed me many things I could do to strengthen my core and lower back muscles. No special equipment needed which is good. Will return next Tuesday! Let's get moving!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

So the story begins.........

Well I can't believe it, I finally decided to start a blog!!! I want this to be a place for my family to visit because I am going to post pictures and stories along with current news and excerpts from my writing pieces. We just came back from a short visit to Kosciusko, Mississippi. I got to see most of my family. I had some great food and laughs and was sorry it went by so quickly. Here  is a picture of my Dad on my Grandpa's 64 Ford Tractor